


I am so inexcusably late with this post.

The lovely Jesse from Liefde gave me this award seriously about 5 months ago but I am such a perfectionist that when a condition of acceptance was listing '10 things you like (or love)' I wanted to use my own photos, and it took me a while to get it all together (I'm so sorry Jesse!!).

From the top:

Turquoise & Red.
Colour combinations come and go (i'm crushing on tangerine and dusty pinks at the moment), but I have always been in love with turquoise and red together. 
It blows my mindballs (see what I did there....'mind' and 'eyeballs' combined. I know what you're thinking...Genius).

I've been playing piano since I was 11, and even if I don't play it for months I can't seem to detach myself from this monstrous instrument or bring myself to buy an electric keyboard even though it pretty much takes up the entire room.

One of my little cousins walked into my room once and goes 'you're like...obsessed with love aren't you?!'.
Not because i'm romantic, or have hearts and pictures of people kissing or anything covering my walls, but I seem to have ended up with a lot of typology posters or mis-matched metal & wooden letters all spelling 'Love'.
My views on Love, I think tend to be a bit more universal.. a tad more spiritual then what I'm bombarded with on t.v.

I figure...if you're going to obsessed with something at least it's something positive, right?

Recently I had to empty out a draw in my wardrobe to make room for my books.
I'd be more inclined to throw away clothes than any of the books i've collected.
Ever since a was a tiny Mez walking around, learning english and watching Beauty & the Beast- I've been totally obsessed with that library the Beast gives Belle. 
I need that when I grow up. 
I'll seriously set up a bed in the corner, have a little tea/coffee stand happening, and I'll be set forever.

Hugging Paul.
Love it.

Absolutely, hands-down my favourite meal of the day!
I wake up at least an hour earlier than I could, just to relax with a coffee, a satisfying breakfast and catch up on blogs!

Breakfast like a King
Lunch like a Prince
Dinner like a pauper.

My Camera. 
It's no secret to you guys that I love photography and taking photos.
I'm relatively sure this will be a life-long passion.

Home-made Sangria
Anyone who knows me will laugh when they read this.
Let's just say...I make them a little strong.

My Family.
I am supremely blessed to have a GIGANTIC family that is, at it's best, a chaotic mixing pot of personalities.

Some of my greatest mentors are related to me, even younger than me!

I love them with all my heart.

Dusk & Sunsets.
Dusk is like the other sister of Dawn that no one speaks about too much.
I've speculated over this often.
It's not that dusk is completely overlooked, we all like a sunset every now and again, it's just that it's at a time of the day when everyone is busy moving from day life to night life. Getting ready for dinner etc, that we miss it.
This photo is the view from my house!

Ok, so these are the conditions of the award:
1. Post who gave you this award.

2. State 10 things you like (or in my case- Love)

3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment. 

My picks are:

Thanks guys!


  1. Gorgeous, happy post!!! I will try and get to it ASAP. Love the Sangria shot and the family shot, happy memories :) :) :)

  2. congratulations on the blog post - I love how creative you were and took pics of all the things you love! :)

  3. Awesome post and than you so much for the award! We really appreciate it =)

    xx Thessy & Yiota
    .sabo skirt.

  4. Dont be sorry at all hun! Glad you waited I asolutely love this post!!!

    ps. Have you started your course yet? hows it going?


  5. love this entry=] makes me thankful for everything i have in my life now

  6. I love your turquoise and coral bracelets- I just bought a bunch myself. Also, that breakfast looks delicious.
